
The installation of Re-GIS consists of six steps. Re-GIS relies on the external programs docker, docker-compose and git. If you already have these programs on your computer, you may skip the three first steps.

  1. Install docker. The docker documentation explains how to install docker.
  2. Install docker-compose. The docker-compose documentation outlines how to install docker-compose.
  3. Install git. The git webiste explains how to install git.
  4. Download Re-GIS from the git website:
git clone

This creates a new directory with the name regis-stack with all Re-GIS software

  1. Start Re-GIS server via docker-compose:
cd regis-stack
docker-compose up -f docker-compose-demo-small.yml --build

Note: The first time this will take a long time as it needs to build the docker images.

The server can stopped by pressing ctrl-c in the same window

  1. Examine Re-GIS in a webbrowser:
open http://localhost:8008

An alternative is to open the address http://localhost:8008 in a webbrowser.